Saturday, January 29, 2011

I had lovely sunny days with Ava all week. We went to the library for story time, we read books and checked some out, we went to ballet/tap class where I took pictures from the mommy window, we had greasy fast food, rode bikes (or Ava rode hers), learned some Spanish words and that Lewis Carroll wrote Alice, not the Grimm brothers, and yesterday I gave her a princess braid.
Every day she told me I am just like Velma from Scooby Doo. She is very concerned about whether or not I've washed my hair that day, and takes special care not to mess with my bangs. She is the cutest. Now if I could just get her to eat a full meal...

Monday, January 17, 2011

beach bike ride for babes winter remix

I don't really have any guilty pleasures because I'm not embarrassed about any of the silly stuff I like, like Twilight and songs that are on 1043 myfm every hour. I know that there are some Best Coast haters out there, and I do agree that their sound is similar to another southern California band I know- we'll call them Sheila the Great (yeah, like the book). And even though Best Coast's music is really simple, the lyrics are easy breezy lazy daisy and even drive me a little crazy, and Bethany doesn't have the best voice, I cannot stop listening to Crazy For You. It's so fun and summery, perfect for today.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm not going to talk about how my brother is obsessed with preparing for apocalyptic times, either.

I didn't want to start the year negatively, so I deleted the last post, and besides, this morning when I woke up I felt a lot better, as if nothing had ever happened. One good thing did come out of it - I actually started working on a story last night, something I haven't done in years. I was surprised at how easily the words came. Maybe Scott was wrong. Maybe writing poetry isn't easier than writing fiction! Let's see if I can actually finish this story.

I think 2011 is going to be all right. I feel some changes coming.