Tuesday, September 18, 2012

what's a month? five years?

The other day I woke up from the silliest dream. FP and I were getting married, a totally natural thing in the dream because we were in love. Only, on my way to the wedding (my mom was driving me in her minivan), I realized I wasn't wearing a white dress. I had on this magenta colored dress I bought that summer, the one I can't wear anymore because I now have the belly of Gary from Teen Mom. Ah, to be young and thin again. But I digress. I hadn't watched this video of FP I have in a long, long time. In it, I'm wearing the dress and we've just come back from his birthday dinner. I thought by watching it now I would see something new, maybe say "Look how young and naive I was. I'm so different now." Am I?

Monday, September 10, 2012

I prefer coworkers who are under the age of 7

Last week I got to babysit Ava, my little friend who I used to watch a few days a week. We had a princess tea party with fake names (mine was Ava, hers was Silfia), we read books, drew bunny people, and when it was time for bed she put on the Hello Kitty nightgown I gave her for Christmas. Aaw. She told me, "We're having so much fun right now, right? I wish we could do this over and over, I wish you could be my babysitter again. We can pay you $60!" She is so cute. I wonder where she got the $60 from? She also told me that she let a slug crawl across her toe once, and that it wasn't gross - it smelled like lavender. Kids...