Thursday, November 17, 2011

what does it mean??

Watching a video of Kendra reading just made me cry! And I'm not talking about the fake crying I do all day long at work.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm alive!

Four years ago I had a terrible airplane experience. I was going from LA to SF, SF to Denver, then Denver to Baltimore, and there was so much turbulence I got sick and felt like I might die. After that, I never wanted to get on another airplane again. I've gotten better since then, but I still don't really like flying. So when I found out I had to fly to Denver for work twice within three weeks, and throw in a weekend trip to Austin, I was not super excited. But guess what? I was fine. I didn't even take Dramamine on my way to Austin. And if ever there was a flight where I thought I might die, it would've been my most recent flight back from Denver. It was like the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, but in the air. I was a little nervous, but not panicked. I thought of the time my dad told my brothers and sister and me this story of how he was flying home from Mexico City once, and the turbulence was so bad that the flight attendant went on the intercom and announced, "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you! We're going down!" (My dad told us lots of tall tales.) I laughed thinking about that story. I have to go to Colorado again at the end of this month, and I think it'll be ok. I can feel myself shedding a little bit of this anxiety. It's a really good feeling.