Sunday, February 24, 2008

you have a piece of Lent on your sweater.

Growing up Baptist, I never really "did" Lent. I always thought it was something only meant for Catholics. Now that I live in Baltimore and all the Baptist churches I've been to here seem to be southern Baptist and much too conservative (and loud) for me, I now attend a Methodist church, and they do Lent! So.. even though the 40 days have already started and I am late, I've decided to give Lent a try. My first thought was to give up alcohol, like Anita. But I was going to give that up anyway, so that isn't really much of a sacrifice. What would be a greater sacrifice is... 


Yes, I do a lot of it, and I mean a LOT. It's hard when you want information about someone and it's all laid out there for you online. Actually, it's not hard, it's very easy! One click and you know who that person's hanging out with, where they've been going, what they've been doing, etc. I've never felt bad about stalking people online because my thinking is, If they didn't want people to know these things about them, they wouldn't put them on the internet for everyone to see. My problem lies in the people I stalk. It doesn't do me any good to learn anything new about them. In fact, it just makes me feel bad about myself and ask questions I'll never know the answers to, and that aren't even worth thinking about, really. So I'm not going to stalk either of those people or their affiliates for -40 days and see what happens. I think it's going to be really hard, but if Jesus could resist SATAN for 40 days, I can resist stalking, right?

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