Tuesday, September 18, 2012

what's a month? five years?

The other day I woke up from the silliest dream. FP and I were getting married, a totally natural thing in the dream because we were in love. Only, on my way to the wedding (my mom was driving me in her minivan), I realized I wasn't wearing a white dress. I had on this magenta colored dress I bought that summer, the one I can't wear anymore because I now have the belly of Gary from Teen Mom. Ah, to be young and thin again. But I digress. I hadn't watched this video of FP I have in a long, long time. In it, I'm wearing the dress and we've just come back from his birthday dinner. I thought by watching it now I would see something new, maybe say "Look how young and naive I was. I'm so different now." Am I?

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