Sunday, May 23, 2010

I am not a good companion for all day festivals or shows. My feet always hurt after not very much standing/walking, and it doesn't seem to matter what kind of shoes I wear! I thought maybe if I wore my new Simple sneakers, which I was so excited to get in the mail this week, to Silver Lake Jubilee, my feet would be ok. But they weren't. The shoes are very cute, and comfortable for awhile, but I guess I just have bad feet. Maybe I can get a wheelchair for the next summer fun event, and some sympathy from strangers.


Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

you kill me. and oh my god i actually have a bunion. i blush just writing that word--can barely say it. can you believe it--it's like i'm some old grandma. i hope you don't have one.

Silvia said...

Yes, I have that! Do your feet hurt all the time, too?