Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"I was just looking for my contact lens! Haaa"

Foggy mornings have been making it harder to get up at a decent hour. Reminds me of when I was a summer camp counselor in PV, where mornings are foggiest, and a little third grader Olivia throwing her hands up and yelling, "IT'S JUNE GLOOM!"

Today I went swimming-I'm trying to build up my endurance so that when I go to another swim team workout with my sister, I don't die afterwards. A man in the jacuzzi near the main pool started serenading the other women in the jacuzzi, in Spanish. Then the lifeguard started harmonizing with him. I felt like I should've started doing some synchronized swim routine along with the song, like Miss Piggy in The Great Muppet Caper.

Seriously, why can't that whole sequence happen every time I jump into the water at the Y?? I would go every day.

Something on my bookshelf is rattling. Maybe it's another earthquake.