Sunday, June 13, 2010

still fog

Foggy mornings turn into foggy afternoon bike rides at the beach. It didn't keep the crowds away, though. Now I remember why I don't like to ride my bike there on the weekends. Too much people dodging. Hello, there is a lane for people who want to walk. So don't walk in the bike lane. Please!

The job hunt grows dire. I actually considered applying for a job in Baltimore. I was invited to come for an interview in DC last week, but turned it down after deciding I really don't want to live in that part of the country again. (Or do I? I don't know. But I know that Meg would never come visit me if I moved back.) But now I'm getting desperate! Will you see me mopping the floors at In N Out soon? Maybe. I wonder how many young writers are currently working on memoirs about how much debt they're in from getting MFAs and can't even find a job as an animal cage washer? That's not true. I still have not applied for the animal cage washer job at Hopkins, or the pot washer job at UCSB. What are my chances of getting one of these jobs?


mari said...

it would be heartbreaking if you moved right when I'm coming back : (
Your lucky will turn soon.

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

oh silvia, i know the feeling!