Wednesday, December 1, 2010

we are secret celebrities!

If your sister ever asks you to watch a movie called Gretchen, just don't do it. It was NOT Sixteen Candles meets Napoleon Dynamite like the introduction says. It's more like misery meets Napoleon Dynamite. Halfway through (and I thought it would never end) I started feeling sick, is it real or not? Maybe I'll find out tomorrow.

My birthday is almost here and for once I don't feel like doing anything. If I had a party, who would come? It would be a scene out of a children's book with different kinds of little animals sitting around a big tree stump having a tea party. I don't know why I thought that - my friends aren't little critters!

I have a good feeling about this new lead. I sound like my dad. It was sunny and I drove with the windows down, and ABBA came on right after The Beach Boys. All good signs! When I got home I watched Boots walk around the house and throw balls everywhere. We have a baby gate for the stairs now and I can just see myself forgetting that it's there, running to go down the stairs and flipping head first over it and down the stairs. I don't know how mothers do it. Bertita told my sister she is always tired. I'm always tired to begin with. If I had a baby I'd probably die. Or pass out, with my baby pouring syrup on my hair as I sleep. And then my husband would walk through the door and be like, WTF, and my eyes would have dark circles around them and I'd still be on the floor and I'd look up with blank eyes and say I NEED A VACATION.

1 comment:

Jenn/PaperPinwheel said...

love this vision of motherhood!! especially the syrup part. i think i'd fare about the same!